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Our Mission

~ Paving the Road Towards a Better Future ~

We seek to unlock the possibility inside every individual.  Because we see equal value in all lives, we are dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals around the world.  We have focused on three third world countries and Habitat for Humanity to find ways where we can do the most good.

What We Do

Most Americans are insulated from the poor; it's hard to imagine the challenges of poverty, the daily fears, the frustration of not being able to provide just the basic essentials for your child...especially in third world countries. 

The Moll Family Foundation has determined that a three prong approach can have the biggest impact... by effecting education opportunities, fair wage employment, and by growing economic possibilities. 

Why We Do It

The best way to describe why we are passionate about this work can be best summed up from Matthew 25:35-40. It states:

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me. Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

How We Do It

We have learned that the best way to minister to people is to first be quiet...listen to what they say their needs are.  And then, together, prayerfully develop a plan of action that incorporates sustainability, practical application, the right people, and finally, a program that will effect the highest number of people.

Image by pavan gupta
Image by Charlein Gracia
Image by Annie Spratt

       The Moll Family Foundation is now actively involved in India, 5 provinces of the Philippine Islands, and in Haiti. And as of 2024, the Moll Family Foundation will be partnering with Habitat for Humanity in order to have a local outreach as well.

Where We Do It

How Can You Help?

  • Help by sponsoring a student in grade school, high school and even college studies so that they might secure meaningful employment and change their own future

  • Help us to continue and grow our ability  to affect change in northern Haiti, India and the Philippines by partnering with us in our economic development fund.  These monies enable us to micro-finance small loans to new entrepreneurs who have created a good business plan and a drive to work that plan.

  • Help us grow our trade school  in Haiti that will offer instruction (masonry, carpentry, cooking, and sewing) for adults and empower them to find meaningful employment.

“Every time you forgive, the universe changes;

every time you reach out and touch a heart or a life,

the world changes;

with every kindness and service, seen or unseen,

my purposes are accomplished

and nothing will be the same again.”

― Wm. Paul Young | The Shack

Copyright 2019 | Moll Family Foundation

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